8th - 12th July 2024
Where do we even begin, with this week’s round-up?!
Let's start with news of the final handover of homes at our Savick Regeneration project, as the last of the 25 affordable-rent family homes were finished and handed over to Community Gateway. A proud day for everyone involved and we’re already hearing some lovely feedback from the new tenants!
We held another one of our dog fouling action days on Tuesday in the Brookfield area of Preston, as our Community Engagement Officers
spoke to residents in the area, handed out leaflets and free dog poo bags to try and reduce dog fouling in the area. Great work guys! We won’t use the emoji either…... 💩💩 oops, too late! 🐶🐕🐕🦺🐩 please pick up your dog mess folks!
Thank you to all the tenants that came out on Wednesday night – the evening of the England/Netherlands semi-final, no less, what dedication! – to attend our Spotlight Session all about our Investment Programme and Safety Checks. Thanks for your input at the session and we hope you agree that we have an ambitious, forward-thinking plan for future investment and a firm commitment on tenant safety.
Colleagues from our Tenancy Management Team were joined by local neighbourhood policing officers in Deepdale on Wednesday for an anti-social behaviour pop-up, speaking to residents and businesses in the area to talk about the current ASB issues they’re experiencing, and how to report them.
We also delivered a Gateway2You session at City Church on Thursday, before dropping in on the Swap Shop at St Matthew’s Mission.
A busy week but that’s how we like it!

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