Clothing support

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Clothing support for adults

If you are attending an interview or starting a new job and wanting to refresh your work wardrobe, you can access free clothing support from our community partners. Find out details below:

  • Ascension Community Church, Watling St Road, Ribbleton - Tues 10am-12pm (during Parish Pantry)
  • City Church Preston, St Thomas’ Centre, Lancaster Rd North – Middle Thursday of each month 3.30pm - 4.30pm (during food market)
  • The Hub at St Bernards, Lea, Larches & Savick, Elswick Road, Ashton – Wednesday & Fridays 12.30pm-1.30pm

Pop along to the drop-in sessions to take a look through what they have available!

Clothing support for children

If you need help with affording school uniform for your children, there is plenty of support available.

Household support fund - July 2024

The latest round of the Household Support Fund is available for all Preston residents and can be used towards clothing support. When making the application, you must state that you are requiring assistance with clothing for uniforms. If you are successful, you will be awarded vouchers with differing school uniform suppliers in Preston.

For more information about applying and the information you'll need to supply, visit the Preston City Council website here. If you'd like assistance to complete your application, you can contact our Tenancy Support team by calling 0800 953 0213 (option 4) or emailing

School uniform sales 2024

Supermarkets across the UK are holding school uniform sales throughout the summer - check out the shops and dates below:

  • M&S - 20% off - Tuesday 2nd July 2024
  • Aldi - £5 bundle - Thursday 4th July 2024
  • Tesco - 25% off - Tuesday 23rd July 2024

Clothing support for adults

If you are attending an interview or starting a new job and wanting to refresh your work wardrobe, you can access free clothing support from our community partners. Find out details below:

  • Ascension Community Church, Watling St Road, Ribbleton - Tues 10am-12pm (during Parish Pantry)
  • City Church Preston, St Thomas’ Centre, Lancaster Rd North – Middle Thursday of each month 3.30pm - 4.30pm (during food market)
  • The Hub at St Bernards, Lea, Larches & Savick, Elswick Road, Ashton – Wednesday & Fridays 12.30pm-1.30pm

Pop along to the drop-in sessions to take a look through what they have available!

Clothing support for children

If you need help with affording school uniform for your children, there is plenty of support available.

Household support fund - July 2024

The latest round of the Household Support Fund is available for all Preston residents and can be used towards clothing support. When making the application, you must state that you are requiring assistance with clothing for uniforms. If you are successful, you will be awarded vouchers with differing school uniform suppliers in Preston.

For more information about applying and the information you'll need to supply, visit the Preston City Council website here. If you'd like assistance to complete your application, you can contact our Tenancy Support team by calling 0800 953 0213 (option 4) or emailing

School uniform sales 2024

Supermarkets across the UK are holding school uniform sales throughout the summer - check out the shops and dates below:

  • M&S - 20% off - Tuesday 2nd July 2024
  • Aldi - £5 bundle - Thursday 4th July 2024
  • Tesco - 25% off - Tuesday 23rd July 2024
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

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