Is transport available?

    Free transport is available for this event. If you’d like us to arrange a taxi for you, please let us know when you register.

    Is parking available?

    Parking is available at Harbour House and attendants will be on hand to help.

    Will I get a ticket?

    No - you’ll sign in on arrival and be given a lanyard. You don’t need to bring confirmation of your booking with you.

    What if I'm not a current member?

    We’ll sign you up as a member when you arrive - as long as you’re a Gateway tenant you can attend.

    How do I enter the giveaways?

    To enter the giveaways, you must arrive at the event by 11am and be present for the Annual General Meeting. Attendance gives you automatic entry to all giveaways.

    Can I drop in anytime between 11am-2pm?

    Unfortunately not - we need everyone to arrive by 11am.

    Who can attend?

    The event is open to all Gateway tenants and family members living in their household.